Saturday, June 14, 2008

Ten years

Last Saturday was the commencement of NTU. 恩慈 asked to have a picture with me since she can be one of the first students under my advise. I suddenly realized that this is the tenth year from my college graduation from NTU. Ironically, It was impossible for me to foresee that I can be still in the same campus after 10 years. Maybe I am a very lucky guy.
Ten years, I have visited so many places more than I expected then. I even went aboard to complete a PhD degree which is out of my plan 10 years ago. Ten years everything is different from my expectation ten years ago. I do not know where or who I am ten years later. I can say that I have a fruitful trip in the past ten year and I hope I can keep up my young spirit for me to have more adventure trips.

Friday, June 13, 2008


1. Clustering analysis
  • to identify the attribute clustering
  • to identify the data location clustering
2. SEKSGUI website
  • Memebership to create the listing of users
  • Update users about SEKSGUI news
3. SEKSGUI manual
  • Rewrite an up-to-date manual for SEKSGUI